Eduardo Ignacio Escalante Juarez-Arevalo, also known professionally as Eddie Escalante, is a Salvadoran American Multi-Genre Record Producer, Singer and Guitarist. His music is often defined as Latin pop and Latin trap , but he has incorporated various other genres into his music including Rock en Español, Cumbia, Bachata, and Reggaeton. Follow Escalante on IG @esca.lante for more information and music announcements!
New covers Album Released
Apple Music
Valorant Esports BR
VCT Americas - Etapa 1 (Dia 7)
Showtime Boxing
Spence vs Ugas |Ep.1|PPV
Bad Boys: Los Angeles
Zeus Network
Bad Boys: Los Angeles
Zeus Network
NBA Draft
Sync Album
DM Esca.lante on IG to book for any music production services like Engineering, Mixing, Mastering and Beat Productions 🔈
New Music Coming Soon